New training on learning disability and autism is being rolled out across Hertfordshire and west Essex – this page explains more about the training and will be updated as the training is rolled out.
Read more about Oliver's Campaign here.
On the 1st July 2022 the Health and Care Act introduced a requirement for Care Quality Commission (CQC)- registered services to ensure employees receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role. This is a result of research which has highlighted health inequalities in the care received by people with a learning disability and/or autism. Additionally, Oliver McGowan’s death on the 11th November 2016 shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to be better equipped with the right skills and knowledge to provide compassionate and informed care to autistic people and people with a learning disability.
A Code of Practice which outlines the requirements will be published later in 2023. This will set out the nature of the content, delivery, and ongoing evaluation of the training.
The Oliver McGowan Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the governments preferred training, which will meet the code of practice. This innovative training has been developed from the beginning with expertise from people with a learning disability and autistic people as well as their families and carers. We are rolling out this specific training across Hertfordshire and west Essex.
Part 1: Currently live
E-learning- All staff must complete a 90-minute e-learning module, which is now live. It ensures staff have a better understanding of learning disabilities and autism and are more confident when communicating with people with a learning disability and autistic people.
We are encouraging all staff to complete this e-learning. Look out for the module on your organisations learning management system!
Please note, you may need to refresh the e-learning prior to attending the second stage of training, if 6 months have passed since completion.
Part 2:
Tier 1 - this is for people needing a general awareness of the support autistic people or people with a learning disability need. This is a 90-minute e-learning module followed by an hour online interactive session.
Tier 2 – this is for people who may need to provide care and support autistic people or people with a learning disability. This is the same 90-minute e-learning module followed by a one-day in-person training session.
Our training partner, Hertfordshire Care Providers Association (HCPA) are currently delivering open courses for tier 1 (online) and tier 2 (in Welwyn Garden City). To find out more click the links below.
If you work in Adult Social Care click here to book onto a session.
If you work for the NHS click here to book onto a session.
NHS providers- We are working with WHTH, ENH, PAH and HPFT to schedule sessions on site, more details can be found from your individual learning and development teams.
Social care- Hertfordshire care providers association are leading on the roll out across social care. Providers will be able to access train the trainer sessions or actual training for tier 1 and tier 2 using the link for social care above.
Primary care- We are collaborating with teams across the system to evaluate how the new Health and Care Act requirement may fit with local initiates, such as the Purple Star accreditation. Primary Care organisations can also attend the open courses. We are working with practices to identify suitable individuals to attend train-the-trainer courses.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is delivered in one of two Tiers. It is the employers’ responsibility to ensure their staff have the appropriate training for their roles and they will need to advise staff on whether they should complete Tier 1 or Tier 2. HEE recently developed The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Tier guidance for employers with examples. Employers may also find the NDTi report on involving experts by experience helpful.
The Oliver McGowan mandatory training on learning disability and autism is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff. It has been co-produced and will be co-delivered by experts with lived experience. Within Hertfordshire and west Essex we are supporting organisations to deliver this training.
There is a requirement under the Health and Care Act 2022 that all CQC-regulated organisations ensure their staff have training on Learning Disability and Autism appropriate to their role. The Secretary of State for Health will publish a Code of Practice detailing the requirements later this year.
The content has been developed with reference to tier 1 and tier 2 capabilities contained within the Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting People with a Learning Disability and the Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting Autistic People.
Both frameworks are nationally recognised and provide a focus on the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected for staff offering services to autistic people and people with a learning disability.
Staff who require a general awareness of the support for autistic people or people with a learning disability need to cover all of the tier 1 capabilities in the frameworks. Tier 1 of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism covers all the Core Capabilities Frameworks’ tier 1 capabilities.
Staff who provide care, support or healthcare, including social care and other professionals with a high degree of autonomy, are expected to complete the tier 2 of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training which includes content on:
- avoiding diagnostic overshadowing
- frequently co-occurring conditions (co-morbidities)
- the laws: Mental Capacity Act, Human Rights Act, Autism Act
- reasonable adjustments including Hospital Passports
- culture (professional bias and subconscious beliefs); professional behaviour and impact on outcomes and other people's behaviour
- how to communicate in accessible ways
- how to understand what the person (and their family) is saying
- ‘Ask Listen Do’
- learning from Lives and Deaths of people with a Learning Disability and autistic people (LeDeR)
- annual health checks.
Depending on their role, staff may need to develop more capabilities, in addition to those covered in the tier 2 package. Employers must determine these and put in place the appropriate provisions.
Employers should refer to the frameworks to ensure their staff have the capabilities they need for their roles.
We are working with Hertfordshire Care Providers Association (HCPA) to deliver a ‘train the trainer’ model. Lead trainers will be invited to ‘train the trainer’ sessions from the end of May onwards.
HCPA will also be delivering a number of training sessions, more information will be available on the health and care Academy website in May. This will include normal and ‘train the trainer’ sessions for tier 1 and tier 2. There will also be an option to submit a form with any training or other support requests.