60 second interview with midwife Georgia Eastwood

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When did you join Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust - PAHT

I joined the hospital three years ago as a student to start my midwifery training. I am now a qualified midwife.

Where were you redeployed to throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and how did you find this

I was redeployed in May during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, I was still a student midwife. At first, I was worried, not only because of the pandemic, but also I had not been in practice for months. However, it was a rewarding feeling to support the team during an unprecedented time and it was a good opportunity to gain further experience.

Can you tell us more about your daily routine within your redeployed role

I was still a student midwife in my final year; however, I was given more freedom to work independently. I was very well supported and supervised.

What was the most challenging part

I found it challenging getting used to all of the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for a delivery. It was also difficult adapting to the new dynamic of women not being able to have their partners supporting them until they are in labour.

What did you enjoy most

I enjoyed having more freedom during my role as it has allowed my confidence to grow. I have also enjoyed seeing women making friends with other new mums as their partners were not able to join them during the antenatal and postnatal period.

How do you see the career development of your substantive role

I hope to have a successful and long career as a midwife.

What do you do in your spare time

I enjoy exercising and socialising with friends, even though seeing friends is hard in this current period.

What is one thing we did not know about you

One thing that you do not know is that I gave up my full time job four years ago to pursue my dream of becoming a midwife and starting my university degree.

For more information on Midwifery click here

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